Travelling Concert Hall


Today in the World, we have invented many things. These things include music, and instruments used to make music. Music has gotten so standard in the world, that many people around the world own a piano in their house, regardless whether or not they can play it. Not only do most people have pianos, but most organizations, companies, and centers own pianos. Even though the pianos are there, the players are not. Although many people have urges to hear live music, they do not get live music. Either the musician is lacking, or the money is lacking.

This is where we come in. Travelling Concert Hall was organized so that these places that have performing areas can be performed at by live musicians. Travelling Concert Hall organizes concerts at ANY place for FREE, or we collect money for a good cause. This is a non-profit organization. Our many programs, which contain their own missions, each target a specific range of people, who are farther away from live music than most others, and we bring the concert to them.

Our Goals:
~~~~Bring live music to YOU
~~~~Make this music FREE

Founder: Jonathan Patsenker